Cryptosporidiosis has been reported in a variety of reptile species. The disease appears to be common in both wild and captive reptile populations and is transmitted by fecal-oral. Infected reptiles may not show symptoms, but are sporadic secretaries of ocist (eggs). Clinical symptoms of cryptoinfection include re ferulation and weight loss, accompanied by an abnormal increase in the stomach mucosa.
Diagnosing cryptosporidionosis can be complex. One of the diagnostic methods is the identification of the ocist in the feces sample by acid-resistant staining. Negative acid-resistant staining indicates only that the reptile was not secreted during sampling, and does not mean that the animal does not contain kryptonians. By default, the animal is checked three times before it is believed that the animal is free from disease. Endoscopy, including gastric wash and biopsy, can also be used to detect the disease.
The most common type of cryptosporidium in reptiles is C. serpentis, C. muris and C. parvum. It has been suggested that the C. parvum (mouse) oxtic (mouse) detected was most likely derived from rodents swallowed by reptiles rather than from a real crypto infection. This possibility of infection of reptiles C. parvum can be completely eliminated only by careful additional biological and genetic studies.

In March 1999, the St. Louis zoo initiated a diagnostic euthanasia program after the detection of chronic cryptosporidium in snakes in their facility. To monitor the effectiveness of control measures periodically selected samples from pipes for one year. Immediately after the start of the control measurements, 5 out of 10 and 8 of the 17 snake samples tested positive for Crypto in May and June 1999, respectively. Subsequently, only 1 of the 45 snake samples taken at five different time periods were positive on Crypto. Cryptosporidiosis.
Currently, there is no effective strategy to combat Cryptosporidium in reptiles. A small study has shown that snakes with clinical and subclinical manifestations of Cryptosporidium can be effectively treated (not cured) with hyperimmune bovine colosseum against C. parvum. Strict hygiene and quarantine of infected and exposed animals are mandatory to combat cryptosporidiosis, but most prevent euthanasia of infected animals. The best way to prevent the spread of cryptography is to euthanize infected reptiles.
Cryptoocysts are neutralized only when exposed to moist heat from 113 to 140 degrees F for 5-9 minutes and ammonia disinfection (5%) or formal saline solution (10%) 18 hours. Ineffective disinfectants were iophore (1-4%), cressile acid (2.5% and 5%), sodium hypochlorite (3%), benzalconium chloride (5% and 10%). and sodium hydroxide (0.02 m). Anything that could come into contact with an infected reptile should be thoroughly rinsed with ammonia solution and dried for at least 3 days.
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