Bigfoot – Myth Or Reality?

The most famous and perhaps the most sought-after creature in crypto-zoological circles and beyond should be the Snowman, also known as ‘Sesquevotch’. Snowman has become […]

Cryptocurrency – Stay Informed

Cryptocurrencies seem to be the most popular investment products. Listen to a friend talk, it’s bitcoin. All discussions in the workplace also concern virtual currency. […]

The Lightning Network Developer

Lightning Network is a layer that exists on top of bitcoin. This is the latest invention of the Bitcoin community. This level can be used […]

Cryptosporidiosis in Reptiles

Cryptosporidiosis has been reported in a variety of reptile species. The disease appears to be common in both wild and captive reptile populations and is […]

Bitcoin “eCommerce” Trick

The trick of e-commerce with bitcoins “is to take “cryptocurrency” in an e-commerce store (for real goods). Although the payment you receive is 100%” cryptocurrency, […]