Category: home

  • Open Sesame – Password Security

    “Sesame, open!” is probably the most famous password in literature. This gave Ali Baba access to huge treasures. In technology, computer passwords also provide access to valuable treasures – valuable business and personal data. Information about your personal life, shopping habits, credit quality and lifestyle is invaluable to those who can benefit from it. Information…

  • The Top 10 Digestive Parasites

    Digestive parasites cause very unpleasant symptoms. My own experience of contracting H. pylori and Blastocystis hominis was particularly unpleasant, with digestive problems and energy problems. In fact, they are the root cause of many chronic health problems. Unfortunately, Western medicine does not consider parasites a problem. Parasites are easily transmitted from person to person or…

  • Skinny Leopard Gecko – Why and How to Solve It

    Why do some hobbyists have a leopard gecko? Gecko may have internal parasites Blockage or intestinal obstruction – depending on the type of substrate usedLoss of appetiteWeight loss resnaring or vomiting Infections Wrong temperature abnormal chairDiarrhea Cryptosporidium or crypto How do you approach these dilemmas? You should consult a veterinarian to determine the cause and…