Digestive parasites cause very unpleasant symptoms. My own experience of contracting H. pylori and Blastocystis hominis was particularly unpleasant, with digestive problems and energy problems. In fact, they are the root cause of many chronic health problems. Unfortunately, Western medicine does not consider parasites a problem.
Parasites are easily transmitted from person to person or enter contaminated food and water, municipal kindergartens and swimming pools. The following ten parasites are usually found in stool samples of patients:
1 Helicobacter pylori
H. pylori is not really a parasite, it is a bacterium. It penetrates the stomach and small intestine, causing heartburn, reflux, gastritis, bad breath, bloating and other digestive symptoms. It is known that it causes 80% of stomach ulcers and 90% of duodenal ulcers. It can also lead to stomach cancer and possibly cardiovascular disease.
2 Homins Blastocystis
“Blasto” can cause almost all symptoms from digestion and has been associated with arthritis and weight gain. This is the most common simple found in stool samples, at least 10% of the Western population are carriers of the parasite.
3 Cryptosporidium
Crypto is also a very common parasite. It is one of the classic parasites that cause diarrhoea, and major outbreaks have recently been reported in Milwaukee, Sydney (Australia) and Daventry (UK). Long-term cryptosporidium infections can be very dangerous because they lead to bowel destruction and nutrient deficiencies.
4 Lamblia Lamblia
Lamblia can cause the same or similar symptoms as Cryptosporidium. Bad smell, oily stool, gases, bloating and diarrhea are common occurrences. This parasite can cause long-term symptoms such as chronic fatigue.
5 Entamoeba histolytica
‘E. histo’ causes amoeba dysentery. This is a very unpleasant mistake. Severe diarrhea, fever and vomiting often go away on their own, but the parasite has the ability to migrate from the gastrointestinal tract and penetrate into the liver and other organs where abscesses are caused.

6 Dientamoeba fragilis
D. fragilis is another infection that causes diarrhea. Although it is usually not as serious as that of E. histo, it can cause many chronic symptoms.
7 Strongyloides (pins)
I regularly see pinworms in clients’ chair tests. Adults live in the upper part of the small intestine. The larvae enter the body through the skin and migrate to the lungs, where they can cause respiratory symptoms such as coughing and mucus. The larvae cough and enter the gastrointestinal tract, where they mature. Adult worms cause symptoms similar to those of H.pylori, and are often misdiagnosed as ulcers and GERDs.
8 Trichuris trichiura (head)
Vlaso headed is a relatively common disease and can cause symptoms similar to any of the parasites listed above, such as bloating, diarrhea and constipation.
9 Enterobius vermicularis (pins)
Pinworms are usually considered an infection in children, but they are also common in adults. It does not often cause serious symptoms, but rectal itching is a common occurrence.
10 Nekator American (ankylostomosis)
My experience is that ankylostomy infections can be very irritating. Although the worms are very small because they attach themselves to the intestinal wall and cling to it, they can cause significant damage to digestion and create a great strain on the body.
If you have unexplained chronic symptoms, suspect that parasites are involved, even if you have no digestive symptoms. Click the link below to learn how to get tested.
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